Coaches Need Coaching Too!

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj and Life & Business Coach Nafije Prishtina By chance, a Life Coach from Melbourne was introduced to a Career Coach from Palm City, two east coast Florida communities separated by 75 miles. Excitement surrounded our initial face to face meeting with a serious intention to build a Mastermind Group of like-minded professionals. Female, entrepreneurs who engage in helping people created our common bond. Fast forward to now, two months hence, and the Mastermind Group did not successfully get off the ground. As the group’s two last standing, we decided to co-coach one another – a mini-mastermind group. It is working out extraordinarily well. We have a budding friendship and a commitment to help one another. We’re each coaching a coach and being coached by a coach. The one solid objective of our engagement is to help support the direction and growth of our fellow coach. What did you do to get...