Self-awareness for successful self –management

By, Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow The greatest benefit to being self aware is helping us stay in control of ourselves, our emotions and thoughts. Just like the moon goes through different phases, we go through different life phases as well. We experience ups and downs and we must stay self-aware and be responsible for self management of our energy and our actions while keeping ourselves centered. One very important attribute to be aware of is learning to identify personally stressful situations and how to respond to them. Self-monitoring is one strategy for increasing awareness such as keeping daily records of personal stressors (internal and external stressors.) Once a person is aware of stress-producing stimulation and responses, the next step is to learn new coping skills such as; 1. Improving diet and increasing exercise. Exercise training appears to incre...