SAY “NO” TO INCIVILITY IN THE WORKPLACE by, Nafije Prishtina Do you work in a place where disrespect and gossiping are a big part of the culture? If you answered yes, you already have first-hand experience with Workplace Incivility and this topic is not a surprise. If you have not experienced Incivility at your workplace or heard others’ tales of horrible work environments, you are lucky. All leaders must do their part to keep civility in the workplace. Read on to find out why. When I was asked to create a leadership training on this topic, it was a great surprise to learn that incivility in the workplace remains one of the biggest social issues of the 21 st century. Described as the “silent epidemic,” workplace culture is a growing concern for all leaders. While researching this topic and sharing my findings with colleagues, I learned of a shocking example of how workplace incivility impacted Ben, the case-study for this training. Through his story and his thi...