Connections to our consciousness!
Connections to Our Consciousness The term "consciousness" is often used casually, but do we truly understand its profound meaning and how we can harness it to enrich our lives? Let's explore the real definition of consciousness and learn how to work with it effectively. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, consciousness is defined as the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought. Delving deeper, the teachings of my favorite author, David Hawkins, in his book "Power vs. Force," shed light on this vital concept. He brilliantly explains that consciousness is our true power - a force that opens our minds to greater self-awareness! In essence, our consciousness plays a pivotal role in our personal development and growth. We must heighten our awareness of our consciousness, including our emotions and thoughts, as they significantly impact our attitudes and fortify our zest for life. What this implies is that genuine pers...