
Showing posts from September, 2019

Life Hacks: The magic of daily gratitude for greater success -Part 1

By,  Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina We wake up each day fresh and ready to go. We call our prayers and intentions out to the universe and plan our days based on our goals. Then, we go through the day accomplishing our goals, crossing off the tasks completed and celebrate our progress. In the process, we make sure to nurture our body with exercise, food and hydration. And then, of course, we step back and take the time to reflect and count our blessings. This way of living is wonderful and when we live life gracefully like this, we are living life to the fullest. However, it seems that the busier we become, the more we turn our thoughts to what more we need and what more we need to do.  Sometimes we just don’t take the time to be grateful for what we have.   Creating the habits of gratitude is very important. I believe incorporating time for self- reflection is the most important aspect of self-management and life success. When we take time to ...

Saying No Gracefully ~ By Co-Coach Kathryn DeSouchet

I said no What happened When I said No The sky Did not fall The earth Did not rumble I said no What happened When I said  No My friend Said ok Another said I'm sorry The sky  Did not fall The earth Did not rumble I said no What happened When I said No My friend Tried again  I said no Again The sky  Did not fall The earth Did not rumble I said no What happened When I said No I felt  Better I felt Calmer The sky Did not fall The earth  Did not rumble I said no What happened  When I said No My friend Asked another I had time To write this poem The sky Did not fall The earth  Did not rumble I have value Kathryn DeSouchet  Self Care Coach Kathryn DeSouchet Enterprises LLC 720-550-2264 (c) 2019