Life Hacks: The magic of daily gratitude for greater success -Part 1

By, Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina

We wake up each day fresh and ready to go. We call our prayers and intentions out to the universe and plan our days based on our goals. Then, we go through the day accomplishing our goals, crossing off the tasks completed and celebrate our progress. In the process, we make sure to nurture our body with exercise, food and hydration. And then, of course, we step back and take the time to reflect and count our blessings.

This way of living is wonderful and when we live life gracefully like this, we are living life to the fullest. However, it seems that the busier we become, the more we turn our thoughts to what more we need and what more we need to do.  Sometimes we just don’t take the time to be grateful for what we have. 

Creating the habits of gratitude is very important. I believe incorporating time for self- reflection is the most important aspect of self-management and life success. When we take time to reflect, we operate with a mindset of love and gratitude.  Gratitude is the single most important aspect
of our character. As the quote reminds us, the depth of our character correlates with the heights of our gratitude. Gratitude, helps us keep a positive attitude and as a result we look into our life as “glass full” and not“half empty”

I can testify that when I take the time to count my blessings, the happier and more fulfilled I feel. The more I reflect on my blessings, the more blessings I see, and more blessings come to me. This year for my birthday I gifted myself with a list of things I’m grateful for. That was the greatest gift I gave myself. Actually, I realized that my list didn’t consist of many things, but included feelings of love and gratitude for my life, especially, it included people in my life. When I operate from this place, I’m able to see my life unfolding from a place of love, even for the things that haven’t manifested yet or aren’t going exactly as planned.

Things to remind ourselves everyday:
1.    Reflect and remember how precious life is; be grateful for another day of waking up and enjoying your life as is.
2.    No matter what is going on in life, take time and FEEL gratitude; write down things that you are most grateful for.
3.    Take joy in everything you do, from drinking your coffee first thing in the morning, getting dressed, walking, seeing, hearing etc.
4.    Share your blessings with other people in your life. Remind others of their blessings whenever opportunity arises.

P.S. Use the bottom section of the 4S Daily Planner (under spirituality) to list all the things you’re grateful for each day. Incorporate all five senses when you reflect on your gratitude.

Career Coach Kathy adds:
Finding success in life and work is a continuous process.  Using your memory and a practice of daily gratitude reflections will also help you evolve and attract greater success in your work and life.  

In a job hunt, gratitude also plays a big role.  Won’t you agree that the interview is one of the most important challenges every job seeker faces? It is essential to be mentally prepared for the interview.

Building your reflection skills and exercising your gratitude muscle will improve your opportunities
and outlook. Follow the same practice outlined above everyday while on the hunt for a new job. Your time reflecting on your value in the workplace will open your eyes and your mind to your true talents and lead you to a good job!  Your attitude of gratefulness yields confidence and this will shine through in your interview interactions and help you clearly stand above the competition.

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj:
Life Coach Nafije Prishtina:


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