Self-Management for a Successful Life-Part 2!

Self-Management for a Successful Life - Part 2! In the first part of this blog, I shared how time management isn’t what you thought it is. In this blog, you will read some words of wisdom from God, who also wants you to use your time wisely plus ideas from the 4S system that maximize success using time/self-management techniques. We can all stop bullshiting about time management and start focusing on self-management. Make peace with the reality about time, by recognizing and accepting that we can’t really control or manage time, no one can add any minutes to the clock or go back in time to retrieve lost time. Live in a real-time truth and remember that our time is limited and there’s no way to know how much time we have until our last breath. Each day we all have the same 24 hours, no matter where we live or what pandemic is raging. We are free and have a choice to determine how we spend the time we have. We can choose to live our life (unconsciously) as if we are ...