Shining Stars Definition
Shining Stars Definition
I wonder what comes to mind as you read the title of my blog Shining Stars Connected!
If you are like most people you are probably associating shining stars with Hollywood stars but, that is not the point here. It is true that there’s shining stars in different careers including acting, but true shining stars are not limited with those few careers that media advertises, true shining stars are those who choose to shine from within in whatever job and career they have and they strive to shine in all aspects of life!
The title “Shining Stars” in my blog is synonymous with successful
people, and to me a star on earth is a person like me and you who
strives to keep a pure heart, a person who has high ethics and values. A
star is anyone who is good to himself/herself, and strives to improve
on how they think, act, and is good to the environment and others
around.If you are like most people you are probably associating shining stars with Hollywood stars but, that is not the point here. It is true that there’s shining stars in different careers including acting, but true shining stars are not limited with those few careers that media advertises, true shining stars are those who choose to shine from within in whatever job and career they have and they strive to shine in all aspects of life!
How to distinguish shining stars?
Whether you are an employer, employee or a customer, it is only natural and more comforting deal with shining stars, but who are those shining stars we feel comfortable around and what attributes sets them apart from the crowd? A shining star is anyone that uses their pure mind, body and heart in learning and becoming better inside/out in all aspects such as: mental, physical, spirituality, family, social and career life.
Some attributes of shining stars include:
1. Someone who has a great purpose and has good intentions
2. Shining stars aren’t concerned only with what they can benefit from others, but they always strive to add value to others
3. Shining stars love who they are and don’t feel they need to fake their values
4. They have strong work ethics and take full responsibility for their actions
Good news is that becoming a shining star and creating a successful life is not secret, everyone is entitled to success, but you have to be making a conscious choice to succeed. Creating success is about willing to learn more, try to do more, and give more in your personal and professional life. Once we create success in one area of our life and feel good about our achievement, we than get the courage and confidence to improve the rest aspects of our life. Another thing that is true about shining stars is that they are grateful for their success. These bright people like to share their knowledge about success and they stay humble while enjoying success as they realize that is the true success.
Tips to shine some more:
1. Always be yourself-be honest with yourself and others around you
2. Be friendly-we all like to deal with approachable people
3. Have good intentions-if you don’t have good intentions you will regret whatever you say or do
4. Don’t judge others-they may be better and smarter than you
5. Be useful-help others when they ask for your help without making them feel down
6. See the good in people- no-one is perfect we all have our share of weaknesses, and we all can turn our weaknesses into strengths and keep on shining
7. Do things for others voluntarily-surprise someone right now, everyone likes good surprises
Are you shining in your personal and professional life?
Do people around you enjoy dealing with you?
What can you do today to shine more tomorrow?
Ready to shine some more?
Contact us for a complimentary consultation.
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