Inspired by a rose!

~Inspired by a Rose~
By, Nafije Prishtina


I look at this Rose and I can't help but think-what's her purpose?
 She has so many thorns and yet she's looking great and smelling awesome!

I realize that just like this beautiful rose my life has had some thorns too. 
I pray that my mind, my soul, my heart and my body stays strong and grows in full blossom- despite my pain, and I pray that my words smell as good as the roses!

Now, I know what to do, I have to remind myself of my inner beauty.
Continue growing and keep planting some more roses. 
Then I need to take care of them and most importantly ....
I take my time to enjoy their sweet smell.

Like so many of you-I sometimes wonder what's my purpose in life and one day a rose reminded me. She said that "My job here on earth is to be present, to stay strong,  be patient and grateful for my time while blooming!"
I agree- my life is at best when I live in the present. That's where I find peace.
When at peace I see things from a brighter view.
There's so much wisdom we can learn from nature. I get inspired by nature....and nature always fills my heart with gratitude.
Now I'm grateful I got my answer to this important question, and  I'm convinced  this is my purpose in life. To live in the present each moment, to enjoy the peace and  God’s beauty within myself and  others, to be grateful  and stay inspired with awe.

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