Celebrate small and big steps toward success!

Celebrate small and big steps toward success!

"Success is a series of small wins." –Unknown

We all know that big things in life are achieved from many small steps. As a leader one of the most essential skills you can have is your ability to accomplish, acknowledge and celebrate small steps toward success. I had to learn those skills for myself –that’s why I designed a time management system and learned the importance of not only having a road map to success, but remembering to celebrate small steps each day.

This ability helps me create results I want in my life, and it also helps me become a better leader. As a Life Coach my job is to empower my clients and help them design and achieve success. The empowering becomes easier as my clients get clear on what exactly they need to do every day to get to where they want to go. My job then is fun because I'm there witnessing their daily wins and celebrating their accomplishments. That’s why, coaching is a powerful tool, because I help hold the agenda and hold the client accountable so they create more success.

When we talk about success in life, we need to remember that we're talking about the total package, the daily process and the successful progress we are making, not just the end results. Getting into a habit of bringing mindful awareness and celebrating small daily victories will help us stay motivated and feel more fulfilled. 

We have to remember the wisdom of our quote and remember that true success is a series of small wins. Some examples of our daily small wins include taking five minutes to planning our day and doing what’s most important first; calling mom (check), walking 30 minutes (check), and writing a blog draft (check-did it all!).

When we notice our daily accomplishments and celebrate small wins each day, our brain releases dopamine-a feel good happy hormone.  Be happy with daily progress as you work on your goals and you will attract more success. When you work out at the gym, your physical abilities improve.  In a similar fashion, by celebrating your wins, you improve your ability to achieve your objectives resulting in creating happiness; and more wins!

Internal rewards are much powerful than external rewards. We do not need to wait for others to make us happy. It is our job to recognize our small wins and celebrate our victories every day. We don’t need to wait for our spouses, our kids or our bosses to acknowledge us, we take charge of ourselves and claim and celebrate our daily victories. It is obvious that we all can use some more acknowledgement and/or recognition about our efforts and contribution, so why not start by rewarding ourselves. It is very important that we take time every day and write in our gratitude/spiritual journal at least three things we are grateful for accomplishing each day. 
Here's an invitation for you!
I applaud you for reading my blog and welcome your comments.  As a reward I want to offer you a complimentary success coaching session to help you create a better plan for accomplishing your top goal in 2018.   Schedule your coaching via www.ShiningStarsConnect.com. May you create more results and may your meaningful success make you happier. Keep taking solid steps to achieving your daily goals and celebrating your victories. Keep on Shining from Inside and Out!


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