Life Coaching and Career Coaching

Life Coaching and Career Coaching
What is it all about? 
WIIFM? (What’s In It For Me)

By, Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj and Life/Business Coach Nafije Prishtina   

Life Coach Institute defines coaching as a professional partnership collaboration between coach and client. The job of a Life Coach is to use a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires and guides the client to explore possibilities and find answers. Incorporating coaching skills and asking questions brings the client clarity around what is happening now and what they want for their future.
A Life Coach is professionally trained to help you maximize your full potential. Think of your Life Coach as a tool to accelerate your success and reach your desired results of maximum personal and professional growth. The client receiving coaching has one requirement; a desire to grow. Paired with a willingness to change, Life Coaching will make a significant difference in a client’s life.

Once a client commits to shining in their life; my job as a Life Coach is to look for ways to empower them. The process includes creating clearly defined and achievable goals while also identifying and solutions to overcome challenges in life or business. Through Coaching, clients become more action oriented because coaching allows them to be in control and focus their plan of action on their goals that are most important goals. In a coaching relationship client are able to dig deeper and find out what’s stopping them and through coaching they get to find solutions to obstacles and challenges.
I see my clients become more positive and confident as coaching evolves and they become unstoppable. As a result of Life Coaching, clients learn to make better decisions and create better results for themselves in their personal life and professional life.
In a nutshell Life coaches are your success partners. They are unbiased partners - who give you unconditional support while motivating you to shine fully in life!
There's different areas within the coaching field. Some Life coaches choose to specialize in one particular area of life. There’s Life Coaches like myself that specialize in Leadership Development and Time Management then there’s Career Coaches, Relationship coaches, Spiritual coaches, Marketing/sales and other special coaches.

Life coaching vs. Career coaching!

Career coaches are life coaches as well with a narrower focus. While a Life Coach will explore a client’s desires, challenges and possibilities, a Career Coach will assist in exploring the client’s past and future career ambitions. A Career Coach is an ally who specializes in resume creation, career planning, motivation and navigating a job search.
Both coaches will be objective and help you see yourself more clearly. My clients typically know that they need a strong resume. A good resume will lead to a good job and the benefit of working with a Career Coach is their up-to-date knowledge of the job market, current trends and the latest on what is most appropriate to include on a resume. A good Career Coach will also know what to leave off a resume.
With all the answers at, you can find out everything you need to know to make a job change. With a Career Coach you will get advice and information specifically tailored to your needs. A Career Coach is an expert in all areas of career transition and will help you design a career plan and help you work the plan. This will result in career success at many stages of your career.
Another common deliverable from a Career Coach or a Life Coach is speed. By focusing on your strategy and clearly defining the result you want to produce, you will get to your destination faster and easier.

A good Coach will help you put your ideas into words. Have you ever asked someone “what job do you want?” and the individual cannot clearly define their target job? Working with a Career Coach will help you clearly understand your value in the workplace and how to explain your career accomplishments. It cannot be underestimated that whether relying on a career or life coach, it is essential to be able to clearly express your thoughts and to be able to state not only what your goals are but how you can best achieve them.
If you need help with your Career, a Career Coach is a great path to choose. If you are working on the bigger picture of your life, a Life Coach would be best suited to assist. Either Coach will help you realize your goals faster and that will make working on your goals, quite an enjoyable process.



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