What is your story for 2022?

What a great time of the year to sit back and reflect on your goals for the new year!

Let’s be honest and acknowledge the wisdom from Dr. Bruening’s quote “the new year won’t solve all problems” so we must be clear about what we want to do differently this year to overcome the problems.

My colleague’s tagline for this year: “2022, it’s for you!” What do you want in 2022?

When you are planning your goals for the year, it is best to think with the end in mind, envisioning yourself as if you are already doing the things that you aspire to do. Just like when you want to make something for dinner, you plan the dish that you want to make, create the menu, then, make sure you have all the ingredients and supplies to make your dish.

Once you know what you want to make and you have all the ingredients, you then follow the pre-set directions from the recipe, step by step to ensure a successful and delicious dish.

That same formula applies to almost everything in life; when you are starting a business, picking a college, searching for a job, or planning to build a house. Once you know the WHAT in the goal process, then you want to break down the WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and most importantly the WHY!

When you define your goals for the year, with a big WHY for yourself, then you are on your way to making your story a successful one. Every day, you look at your blueprints and know exactly what needs to be done, to make progress on your goals. Ask yourself the following questions?


What are my values in life?


What do I want to learn to improve myself this year?


How do I take better care of my mind and body?


What do I want to be different at home with my loved ones?


Who are my friends, how do they influence me?


How can I contribute more at work and get promoted?


Once your goal or goals are identified, it will be easy to map out a route to get you where you want to go. Many of my clients benefit from an annual goal setting and strategy session. With me as your coach, or on your own, do take time to identify your goals for the new year! If you are clear about what you want to do differently this year, you will overcome problems and catapult yourself to greater success and happiness.

Sign up for 4s online course to help you learn a formula for success. Learn how to manage your time and stress to ensure that you make your story in life a successful one. https://nafije-s-school.thinkific.com

Contact us for a complimentary goal analysis session that will help you plot and plan the best story for this new year. Contact us via www. shiningstarsconnect.com

Read with us, by joining The Shining Stars Book Club which meets weekly on Mondays from 6-7PM on Zoom. 











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