Life Hack: Use Your Memory to Accomplish More Success-Part 1

By, Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina

Throughout life, as we develop mentally and physically, we continuously strive to meet our social needs while we self-manage to reach our highest potential. Read on to find out how to use your own memory to enhance your productivity. As a bonus, your stress level will go down when you are more organized and productive.

Denny Hamlin, a professional car driver, won his 2nd Daytona 500 race on February 17, 2019 -- an amazing feat. He shared a letter he wrote as a 2nd grader when his wish was to win the Daytona 500 on February 17, 1998. The February 17th was accurate – only a few years off. During an interview the following day he advised youngsters “if you really want to do something, you just have to put your mind to it.”
And the part of your mind that will help you achieve your goals is your memory.
We all know people in our circle who accomplish so much and wonder, how do they do it all? What helps them accomplish -it-all? Questions like this helped Kathy write How to Find a GOOD Job in 90 Days also propelled Nafije to research the topics of Cognitive Science and create a sophisticated time management system.  All in all, we found out that the true weapon in the fight to accomplish-it-all is our memory.
Your memory – or the skill to remember what to remember is a proven aid in self-management. Improving your memory will help you realize goals quicker.
Let’s start at the very beginning—with an intention. Say your intention out loud. Write it down. That is exactly how the winner of the Daytona 500 accomplished his dream.
Next, close your eyes and visualize yourself accomplishing that intention. Repeat this step as often as necessary to keep motivating yourself. This is the “secret-sauce” to using your memory to accomplish your dreams. By adding emotion to your intention, you enhance the memory. Positive inspiring emotions will indeed make us more optimistic and enhance our willingness to strive and accomplish more.

Check in and monitor your progress – there must be specific steps identified to reach the goal. Keep reflecting on your intention; write down your goals with specific action steps. Now prioritize the tasks and schedule the tasks in your daily planning. Roll up your sleeves and get to work with a big smile REMEMBERING the good feeling of getting the rewards you're seeking!
Before you know it, you will be realizing your goals. In our next blog we will further explore how you can accomplish more of what is important—often by doing less.

Best wishes and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback on this blog!

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj:
Life Coach Nafije Prishtina:


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