Life Hack: Social Accountability-How a Coach Can Catapult Your Success– Part 4

By, Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina

The most important aspect of the 4S Time Management tool is the social component. 4S suggests that working with a coach is crucial for high level tasks for both event and time-based Prospective Memory.   A coach uses creative strategies to propel your effective self–management, including incentives and rewards resulting in growth and progress. Braver, (2012) suggested one way to motivate individuals is by providing a reward. The reward induces a level of importance and its effectiveness can be varied by the kind of reward, by the amount of reward or by manipulating the attractiveness (or unattractiveness) of the prospective memory task (i.e., the reward is the benefit of remembering the intention and for making progress on daily tasks.) The reward concept is supported by neuropsychological findings; providing a reward increased activation in prefrontal regions which support the control and active maintenance of task-goals and may therefore increase strategic monitoring (e.g., Braver, 2012). 

Productive goal-oriented people have many goals and they need the accountability partnership to motivate and keep them on track. Also, the social component is very important for the purpose of Prospective Memory.  Penningroth, Scott, & Freuen, (2011) studies have addressed social motivation in prospective memory (PM) and the findings suggest that social PM tasks are viewed as more important than nonsocial PM tasks and they are more likely to be performed.
In conclusion let’s remind you that your goals are yours, you are the only one who can decide on the importance of your goals and the progress you make is also up to you. Your intentions for the future (prospective memory tasks) will be implemented once you decide to increase the order of importance in action. One thing is true with every person I meet, they all have amazing goals for a prospective future and the other truth is that my clients prosper and accomplish those goals, where they put most of their time and attention day in and out. 
Talking about coaching and/or co-coaching power. This blog probably wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the fact that Kathy and I collaborate and hold each other accountable. The successful completion of writing/editing/publishing this blog has so much Intrinsic Value for us. We have made it an important intention in our life and it is indeed giving us so much rewards that of Intrinsic reward. 
What are your top three goals today? What are the tasks you need to do to accomplish to achieve your goals? What rewards are you expecting when you accomplish your tasks/goals?

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj adds:
Nafije is 100% correct that we both are gaining intrinsic rewards.   Learning all about using our brains, our hearts and our feelings to accomplish more by collaborating on this blog is an additional reward of this partnership.  
We hold one another accountable.  If you are like me, motivated more by external sources, a coach is the answer.  Coach Nafije is a counter-balance to my extrovert tendencies and our blog creations bring me great joy.  And together we are serving others while helping each other.  And maybe that is our secret sauce to getting more done while enjoying every moment on our path.
In the next blog, we’ll explore the magic of daily gratitude and how gratitude amplifies your self-management and success.
See Earlier Blogs in this series:
Life Hack:  Use Your Memory to Accomplish More Success
Part 1: Leverage Your Emotions and Enhance Your Productivity

Part 2: Planning, Organizing, and Prioritizing 

Part 3: Intention Detection and Retrieval 

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj:
Life Coach Nafije Prishtina: 


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