Investing In Yourself and Contributing To Your Well Being

Investing In Yourself and Contributing To Your Well Being
By, Kathy Shabotynskyj & Nafije Prishtina
 "If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another. If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are safe. If you wish to heal, seek to heal another."-  Dalai Lama

This year Nafije and I plan to incorporate a thread of PEACE in our blogs. Our blog’s purpose is to help individuals maximize their success in their life and career. As we contribute to the growth of our readers, we are also building a community of stronger, more “woke” citizens of the world. We believe that peace starts with you, dear reader, and together we can make many positive changes and make the world a better place.

February came crashing in last month. My dear, sweet 91 year old aunt needs my assistance.
Taxes yet undone harbor a threat of a big deposit to dear Uncle Sam. These are only two of the
contributing dilemmas stimulating my completely off the rail’s feelings.
Can Mercury in retrograde take all the blame? NO

To overcome the awful, uncomfortable state I found myself in, my unconscious brain determined that I would take a break. A whole day without obligations was consumed by binge-watching and total lack of ambition. That wasn’t what I needed at all. After the break, my anxiety spread everywhere – in my body, in my inability to focus; my entire body became stiff and complaining. And then I remembered all the blogs we wrote, and it hit me, what I need is ACTION!

We all need to take action to make improvements in our lives and careers. Investing in yourself is the most cost-effective path to success. It is essential to you and those around you to devote time and effort to advance your knowledge, skills and relationships. It will return dividends for your entire life. With YouTube, Google, Podcasts and the old stand-by; a set of encyclopedias, you can expand your curiosity and grow every day. Becoming a better person or a more capable employee is not only good for you, your relationships, it is good for the world!
How did I shake off the funk of my real life? I haven’t pulled out the encyclopedia or subscribed to a podcast series. Maybe later.

First, I practiced a bit of self-care until I could dress up and show up for my commitments. (Two dogs will keep you on schedule.) Next, I identified my priorities and gave credit to myself for all I have accomplished in the first 6 weeks of our new decade. I committed to improving my time management skills so I can accomplish more – and accomplish more of the important and significant work waiting for me. I love this blog and hope you too find it meaningful to spend a few minutes with me and Life Coach Nafije.
We believe if you commit to a continuous effort and invest in taking care of yourself, you will continue to elevate your life. And who knows how your self-care and self-development will impact the world?

Nafije’s input:
Investing in yourself means contributing to your wellbeing and you can offer your contribution to others. Think about it – who else is going to take care of you, if not you?
The heartfelt example that Kathy shared with us about getting the “feeling” of being out of control and a break from routine sure happens to all of us ….more often than we can remember, but the ability to pick ourselves up and shake the stress off is where the power of personal leadership resides. Kathy didn’t let her situation control her for long; she took charge and gave herself credit for the things that she has recently accomplished. That’s the leader’s optimal power, and that’s the place where people like the Dalai Lama live too.

Self-management is where you will find your own empowerment. It is the only safe and peaceful place within us. When we take some time and invest in self-care it can have a positive impact on our day/life, even if it is just taking a mindful break, taking a breath, and letting the anxiety of “to do’s” get out of our mind and our body. What Kathy did was give her mind and body a break and once it was refreshed, she was able to re-evaluate her priorities, organize time needed to do the things “that matter most,” so she can make progress on her tasks and make time to visit her out of town relative.

For sure we operate much better when we invest in self-care and take mini mindful breathing moments and re-evaluate our priorities. 

Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj:

Life Coach Nafije Prishtina:


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