Intuition in a Time of Crisis: A Divine Approach to Self Healing

Intuition in a Time of Crisis: A Divine Approach to Self Healing
By, Meghan Walsh (Savitri Tera Kaur)
Savitri Tera Kaur
"Truth is Your Identity"-by, Meghan Walsh
Most all of us get those gut reactions in times of fear, but what exactly are they? And why do we get them? What should we do when they occur, instead of the usual responses and letting it pass approach?

Well for one there is Breath, prana, or life force. Second, there is Intuitive Healing, Meditation and connection to the Divine. A calming of the mind and insight from an observer state. And lastly there is movement and energy work to shift the energy that is creating your experience of the situation itself. This is offered through the Technology of Kundalini Yoga and the Path of Sikh Dharma. These are profound tools. These are profound gifts. This is profound power of self. Of soul.

In the world we live in today, things have gotten complicated. We often ignore the most sacred and simple things. The natural gifts we are given and the peace that they provide. Breath is the greatest of them all. It keeps our undying soul alive in this human body. It cleanses and rejuvenates our mind, body, and spirit. It is essential to life. It is fundamental to living. The input, output, quality, and way in which we use air is truly profound. When this breath is interrupted, held, unregulated, or any disruption to its flow, our energy, mind, and physical body become disrupted as a whole. When we can learn to work with this breath, we can begin to come closer to stillness. To becoming the observer of breath and self. To work at bringing attention to breath, to learn, and understand the rest from this space.

From here we can move into Mediation and Intuitive Healing to truly release, heal, and move energy within. This is where we find our soul and lift the darkness that resides in our system. This is amazing! Once we recognize our own true light and soul, we can move into faith and surrender. We can open to intuitive healing and realization of self. We can release and rewrite old dialogues and contracts that no longer serve. We can meet our inner child again and reparent with Mother Earth and the God itself. The possibilities for healing once we come to know that which is within, are endless. The director of this healing is our Intuition. Our inner communicator for the subtle energy body. The manager of the systems like the mind, the ego, the self, emotions, physical functions, outward experiences and so on. Which are all ultimately one in the same. When we can move into looking at our selves from this perspective, a world opens up that was never available before in our lifetime.

We move to the Technology of Kundalini Yoga and the Path of Sikh Dharma. Kundalini Yoga taught by Yogi Bhajan, is a technology and approach to moving energy within the chakra system and the body itself via energy meridians throughout, as well as the central channel along the spine. This is useful once intuitive and soul work has begun. This is a type of direct maintenance for all systems, energetic and physical. We do this to physically move energy, unblock and release stale or negative energy, and to allow positive and peaceful energy to come in. This leads to the Path of Sikh Dharma. This is where, through faith and surrender, we are given discernment and granted the gift of Grace itself. We come to know that intuition is our guidance from soul and God within and that this occurs through our connection to it. We come to realize that we can receive this information and guidance through more than just that gut feeling. We can hear direction from soul. We can be shown visually. We can simply know or sense something as well. This also does not only have to happen in moments of fear, crisis, or trauma. We can cultivate it. Whenever we need or want to. And perhaps when we acknowledge that, and put time and love into it, we are then empowered, we are then grounded. Into Life. We become blissful and humbly confident. Our communication and ways change. Our approach to experience and life shifts. Our awareness in decisions and our future becomes clear. We exist from a different space. This space emerges as love and Grace. We come to know this and through it, our ways of service to humanity. Further cultivating an inner bliss, grounding and confidence.

You have this power.
You have this right.
You have this connection to Grace.
You have access to cultivate it now.
You have it all in front of you.
Let the weight be lifted.
In a time of global crisis.
The Crown Virus.

Pranayama, Meditation, Intuitive Healing, the Technology Kundalini Yoga, and the Path of Sikh Dharma, in a combined and holistic approach, have offered and provided all of this to me. It has been a journey of over 20 years to arrive in the space that I am in now. I will never be perfect but I will always be a student of life. This is my purpose. We have not been taught these ways in our society. The focus has been sadly misguided. We have an opportunity to commit to a simple approach and lifestyle that provides opportunity, integrity, and peace. In this Life. In real ways. In self actualizing ways. In soul actualizing ways. In God actualizing ways.

Through FAITH we can SURRENDER, and ask for DISCERNMENT to be shown through the gift of GRACE! How DIVINE!

For more information about the author, her classes, or healing sessions please email directly to

Contact to learn about her Time-Self Management Training to help you become a leader in life.


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