Everyone deserves a GOOD job and there is a GOOD job out there for everyone!

 Everyone deserves a GOOD job and there is a GOOD job out there for everyone!

                                                                                By, Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj

September 2020. Noteworthy (and blog-worthy) due to two significant events. One major milestone has been on my horizon for 40+ years and the other, about 3 years in the making. These observations reinforce my passion for my Career Coaching practice and my gratitude for those who enhance my life through their hard work. 

For a bit more than three years, a new roof has been needed. We patched and patched until my roofer spoke up, “Kathy, you need a new roof.”  I am thrilled to report that the old double-shingled roof has been replaced with a shiny roof that comes with a 30-year warranty.  The new metal roof shall be protecting me for the next 3 decades. This was a major project, involving more than 25 men, and tens of thousands of dollars. Over a two-week period, there was noise, dirt, truckloads of debris, and a surprise 60% increase in the cost. YIKES! Due to the poor condition of the beautiful 1 X 6 tongue-in-groove under the shingles, all the existing wood was forcibly removed down to the trusses. I watched with awe and appreciation for all the men working to enhance my life. I will never forget the incredible strength used to tear off, haul up and install new wood. They worked in the sun and over 90-degree heat until the rains came. And they were up two stories. I love these men and will forever (30+ years anyway) be grateful for their talents and hard work. Their work is important. 

My other significant September event started back when I was in high school, now more than 40 years ago. I calculated when I would reach the magical retirement age of 65 and ever since, September 2020 was that destination.  Yes, September 2020 happened, and I am in fact a 65-year-old. It is hard to believe that I am this old, as I still feel much like my high school self. Back when I was in school, a 65-year-old was ancient, these were people nearing the end of their lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average life expectancy in the United States in my birth year, 1955, was only 69.09. Fortunately, today it is 78.6. Many people will outstrip that average and my sights are set on reaching 125 years-old to blow that average out of the water.

Turning 65 is a milestone. Back when I calculated the date I would turn 65 and retire, my life expectancy predicted only 4 more years on this earth. The Social Security Administration, the government agency that has been collecting my retirement funds for more than 40 years, found out that my life expectancy is much longer, and adjusted my full retirement age to 66 + two months. 

Retirement and collecting social security will wait. I love my work and cannot fathom retirement, even if I am in the right age group. My work is important, and I am blessed to be able to share my Career Coaching expertise to help others find a GOOD job. The milestone remains and just one more reason 2020 will forever be a significant part of my story.

We can all honor the importance of others’ labors by showing our appreciation and gratitude. Maybe just speaking a few kind words. A tip. A note to the company. A picture of the group at work.  Any way you can show gratitude for those workers who enhance your life will be appreciated. Really, everyone with a job is an essential worker and deserves gratitude.

Whatever work you do; it is important too. It is my firm belief that everyone deserves a GOOD job and there is a GOOD job for everyone. Whatever motivates you to work, I hope you will find that the work you do is important and appreciated. You have my absolute best wishes to be happy with your work and appreciated for your efforts. You have a GOOD job if you enjoy your work and you are appreciated; if you are happy with your work. Keep searching for that GOOD job, and if you haven’t found it, I am here to help. 

To Learn more about the authors:

Contact Nafije@ShiningStarsConnect.com to learn about her 4S Success to help you shine fully and become a leader in life.

Contact Kathy@MyCareerTeam.com to learn about improving your Job searching-Interviewing skills and get the job/career you want.


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