Get prepared to follow your dreams in 2021!

 Get prepared to follow your dreams in 2021!

Written By, Career Coach Kathy Shabotynskyj

Photo credit Joshua Earle

2020! This year will carry an asterisk until the end of time for most of us – due to the pandemic, accompanying economic turmoil, our collective loss for Kobe, RBG and others plus the fear and worry for our families and those working on the healthcare frontlines. 

The vaccines created this year are the marvels of 2020. The speed in researching, developing, executing trials, and distributing the vaccine is extraordinary – to match this Covid-19 extraordinary virus. What it reveals is that if enough focus is placed and resources mobilized, anything can happen and can happen quickly. Let’s look at this on a more personal level.

One approach to following your dreams is the 10% Target Mindset philosophy created Jennifer Cohen, notable healthy lifestyle writer, entrepreneur, and podcaster. She shares that this mindset encourages people to be BOLD by asking for what they want, versus taking what is given to them. And if you make 10 attempts towards success and fail 90% of the time, you will succeed 10% of the time – to reach your goal or a goal even better than you imagined. 

To get started on working toward your dreams in 2021, I recommend you first look back at 2020. Use the worksheet attached and fill in the highlights of 2020 – and include the failures as well. Go through your checkbook and photos to find all the important activities of the past year. This is the time to reflect on the positives, learn from those that didn’t meet your expectations and release all that is no longer important. 

What did you learn from your review? I learned that 2020 was as unpredictable as most of the preceding years. Despite the global upheaval, I was able to stay strong and find new avenues for success and fulfillment. My involvement in a book club and a weekly coaching circle expanded my horizons and brought great joy. Although my colleagues and friends were extremely socially distanced, the dividend was more time to myself. What I loved about our coaching circle and I will continue this in 2021, is the weekly opportunity to exercise gratitude, learn new self-management techniques and work towards goals and dreams with a supportive group.

We all need to develop our resilience muscles for these exact times. Following Jennifer Cohen’s 10% mindset formula will also require resiliency. Give yourself extra credit if you can say you have improved your resiliency in 2020. By the way, the antonym for resilience is defeatism – and you shall not be defeated by this virus or anything else. Nothing can stand in your way if you put your mind to it.

After you review 2020, it is time to set goals for 2021. You will find a similar worksheet attached for you to prepare for 2021. Download for free, print it out and start making good plans for all that you want to happen in 2021. Once you decide what you want 2021 to bring; each day, each week, and each month, you will make incremental steps towards achieving your goals and making your dreams come true. If you need more help to fortify your efforts, try the weekly coaching circle to get expert advice from a Career Coach (yours truly) and Life Coach Nafije Prishtina.

Click the following Links to the 2020 and 2021 worksheets!

For more Info about staying connected, self-manage and shine fully visit our Shining Stars Coaching Circle visit

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