Resolve to Live Responsibly!

 Resolve to Live Responsibly: Making Peace with the concept of Life and Death!

By, Nafije Prishtina

One can't help but agree with the words  of Benjamin Franklin from the quoate above!

Nowdays, we hear of death tolls due to the Pendamic all the time. This reality makes us sad and volunarable, even though we all know that death is unavoidable, most people live as if they are never going to die. That is until someone close to us dies and that is when we must wake up to the truth. And then it is up to each of us to make peace with the concept of life and death or not.

I had my own wake-up call just last week when I found out that my cousin Isak suddenly passed away. I took some time to mourn and let my sadness resolve by writing to his family and recalling our shared memories. I'm learning that we all process loss on an individual level. As we mourn the death of a loved one, it is important that we evaluate “the reality” of our own mortality. As a result, one may come to the realization and accept that life is precious and start living a better quality of life.

Reflecting back ten years ago, while grieving the death of my father, I now see the benefits realized. At that time, I went inward and reflected on my own mortality. I asked myself tough questions; how would I like to be remembered? What is a good life for me? I even reflected on my father’s teaching about the afterlife and became closer to God as a result. My grieving process added strength to my faith in God, and deep inside I felt closer to my father’s soul. The outcome for me was a great sense of hope and comfort as I believe I will reunite with my father again in the hereafter. I elect to live life with the faith that there’s something bigger than me. I choose to stay connected with God and ask God to guide me so I can live a conscious life here on earth. I believe that faith gives us all hope and our belief in the hereafter makes this life worth living.

Most importantly we need to learn to take responsibility for ourselves and heal our subconscious from the inside out. In the Holy book God said that he made humans successors on the earth to test us,  “For, He it is who has made you inherit the earth, and has raised some of you by degrees above others, so that He might try you by means of what He has bestowed upon you. Verily, thy Sustainer is swift in retribution: yet, behold, He is indeed much-forgiving, a dispenser of grace.” Quran Ch. 6 vs 165, 166.

The truth is that death is a part of life. People die from different causes when it is their time to die. …but it is the living part of life that is where you can shine. I advocate for a better quality of life for all, especially the care that we provide for our children and our seniors. What I would like to achieve in life is living at a higher state of consciousness by living and advocating to others to live a quality life, not being self-centered, but as a member of a mindful based community.  This is why I started Shining Stars Connect, a community where our members invest in personal development and leadership. Education is key for us to be responsible humans, and acts of kindness will help us leave a legacy of peace and compassion. It is a totally awesome way of living and the bonus: it will guarantee you a successful peaceful life.

Next: Keep an eye out for my blog titled: Resolve to live consciously: Staying Connected from inside/out

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