Life Coach Nafije Prishtina

Let’s face it, every job comes with challenges due to multiple simultaneous projects, deadlines, and interdisciplinary teamwork. Challenges can motivate us but sometimes it can also cause us extra stress. Often job postings are seeking those skilled in working in a fast-paced environment. Is fast-paced a code for the stressful workplace? Those working in “fast-paced” environments and everybody else must employ mindful techniques to achieve workplace success.

Everyone tells me they want to become more successful professionally and make more money. The ones who achieve this success are the ones who are mindful of what they want. Actually, these are the clients who seek my leadership coaching because they want to learn time and stress management skills and keep shining.

You are invited to read my previous Mindfulness-based time-stress management blog posts; but today’s focus is on Workplace Mindfulness. You will learn to define Mindfulness in the workplace and identify ways to incorporate mindfulness in your workday to reduce stress. Utilizing these techniques optimizes your self-management skills, builds your creative muscles, and increases your productivity.

 What is workplace mindfulness?

Mindfulness is defined as a state of being, an attribute of positive presence and energy.  According to an article from Positive Psychology, “To be mindful at work means to be consciously present in what you're doing, while you're doing it, as well as managing your mental and emotional state. If you're writing a report, mindfulness requires you to give that your full attention.”

Giving our full attention to what we are doing and staying focused has many benefits. One of the greatest advantages of workplace mindfulness is that it helps us manage our stress during the day.  As we know, some stress is necessary for us to perform well, but if we don’t stay mindful and focused with things at hand, we risk our state of increasing our stress levels which interfere with our ability to complete tasks and do a good job.

Here are six ways you can be more present at work and increase your productivity while decreasing your stress level:

  1. Start your day with a strong affirmation - name it and claim it!
  2. Take short mindful breaks - include breathing & stretching exercises
  3. Practice “gratitude” habits - track and focus on the small successes, compliment others
  4. Stay “focused” – prioritize your agenda, avoid distractions and multitasking
  5.  Practice” positive prospective” – keep an open mind to uncontrollable situations.
  6.  Rest and recharge -take your breaks regularly and keep your mind/body happy

If you do it right, workplace mindfulness will yield multiple benefits. You will likely be feeling more fulfilled at work and less stressed. Your peace of mind will attract new people and new responsibilities and you will easily rise to new challenges. Try the above mindfulness-based practices for 30 days and let me know your results.        

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Contact Nafije @ to learn about her 4S Success System to help you shine fully and become a conscious leader in life!


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