Choosing to live in the present!

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present."-Bill Keane This quote is so simple to understand and very important to remember. It is my goal in life to be grateful for my time and treat my time as the greatest present from God. I try to live from this place each and every moment of my life and that's how time management became my life's work. It helps us to remember that "yesterday is history" and it is our past which we can't change. Knowing and accepting that past is in the past- leaves us with more room for today. Choosing to consciously live in the present today encourages us to focus more in what we need to do today, and hopefully it allows us to be more productive with our tasks at hand. Remembering that "tomorrow is mystery" and it is in the future is also beneficial because it means that we have no control and it leaves more room for us to de...