Resolve to Become Socially Responsible


Resolve to Become Socially Responsible

Part I: Collectively Mourning and Healing!

By, Life Coach Nafije Prishtina

In my previous blog, you read about the importance of self-management and how conscious people are responsible for their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. In this blog the focus is on social responsibility, awakening to "what is" reality,  and how to collectively mourn the loss of lives due to our current pandemic (natural disaster).


Since the beginning of time, death and mourning marched alongside life. When we face the loss of a loved one, all of us mourn differently, influenced by cultural and religious backgrounds and our overall mental state.  When we face death, we humans as social beings, mourn together with family and friends. We gather in large groups with people in proximity at funerals.  When we face a large human-made disaster like the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001, we mourn for all those innocent people that died in the two towers and the hijacked airplanes collectively. We mourn as a nation for those lost lives. Following the 9/11 tragedy, we came together as a nation to come out of that disaster stronger than ever while seeking justice for the victims. 

We have similar reactions to natural disasters as well, but our natural disaster reaction is limited to the affected community.  Hurricane disasters that hit the mainland US and Puerto Rico in 2017 are an example of a huge news story driving many people to volunteer and help, however nowhere near as much as an attack did.  Any deaths that were caused by the Hurricanes were mourned locally but not nationally. 

We as humans, value loss in a man-made disaster more than losses in a natural disaster. What happened after 9/11 and the loss of 2,977? Armed forces enlistment went up while we attacked two nations to take revenge on the perpetrators of that horrible attack. 

We have more than 400,000 deaths in the United States of America right now because of COVID-19, and crickets! Our nation is still divided, some people do not even believe Covid is more than the flu, and actively resist wearing masks. In the Intercept article “3,000 Dead on 9/11 Meant Everything. 200,000 Dead of Covid-19 Means Nothing.” The author explored the reasons why when 200,000+ people died the Trump Administration was dragging its heels in response to the disaster, and the opposite happened during Bush's administration. When 9/11 happened the government’s quick reacted and quickly invaded two countries. The article argues that the terrorist attacks in 2001 was used as an excuse to do what the government wanted to do anyway, however, for the pandemic up until President  Biden got into office -past government administration did not want to do anything.

Covid 19 is a sign that we need to be socially and environmentally conscious because our actions affect the entire planet. As we have seen from funerals, church services and other congregate events, there are many Covid-related unintended consequences.  We now know the clear cause and effect, unintended consequence, from humans burning fossil fuels for energy, and because of the greenhouse effect the world is warming up, delivering global warming. The rise of natural disasters is another global warming consequence.  I would argue that COVID-19 is also a natural disaster that came to be because of humans encroaching into wild habitats and freeing up viruses that normally circulate among wild animals. 

In Dr. Patricia Carlton’s philosophy class, I learned that “The collective memories we are forming are undoubtedly related to our personal experiences.” Whether we lost someone dear to our heart or not, there is an abundance of evidence that we are all in pain, grieving, with significantly heightened levels of concern over personal safety, avoiding people, cancelling events, and patiently waiting to get vaccinated.  Many are scared to death about dying. For these reasons, we all should collectively mourn the deaths. Not only should we mourn together, but we should also work together to find solutions to “heal” the people, the environment, and take care of other creatures that share our environment.

Our challenge now is to find better ways to come together in our communities and thrive during this natural disaster. To be a socially responsible person, we all must contribute socially and operate in this world as conscious human beings by our “care for others.”

Staying connected and supporting others through coaching/training is planted into my mission for my work through Shining Stars Connect. We are committed to provide a supportive community, to help  you shine from inside out by working together with others, educating one another, staying positive, and helping to care for others.


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